Great advice, even during the first meeting!

I was contacted by Hypotheekberekenen and have agreed for the first, non-paid meeting online. From the beginning I was open about low chances of follow-up meetings since I already had a quite good idea about mortgage I wanted and saw little room for improvement.

Nevertheless, we met with Jimmy and discussed my situation and plans for tackling the whole financing of a house purchase. Despite knowing, that I most likely will not follow through with paid services, Jimmy assessed my plan and gave me a few useful hints on making it even better or avoiding pitfalls I might have missed.

I am certain that his advice would be invaluable to anyone not sure what mortgage to choose or having doubts about any details regarding it. On top of being knowledgeable and professional, Jimmy was also open and friendly. It made conversation about such tedious topic as finances a pleasure. I definitely recommend and their advisors!

P.S. As you probably assumed by now, conversation in English was also not a problem.

(10) Rafal op 13 maart 2024

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